Mission Statement
Communities Against Racism Enterprise (CARE) is a God given project. For there, is no way, this insidious and hateful entity called racism is in the will of God. If it were, there would be no need for biblical texts such as: 1 John 4:16, 1 John 3:16, Acts 17:26, 1 John 3:15 and Romans 12:2.

We at CARE believe that racism, in all its forms, is extremely damaging and traumatic to the human race. We have witnessed and experienced the physical, social, spiritual, psychological, moral and economic harm it does to all people throughout societies, past and present and on a global scale. This unnecessary evil has to change.

The issue of racism is a constant concern for the founder of CARE who is a woman of faith. The continuum of political and social unrest around systemic racism and police brutality has given momentum to the cause.

Our vision is to facilitate grass roots growth and liberation, so impactful, that it influences changes in all policy and practice.
Our mission is to lobby not only for economic reparations but more importantly psychological reparations that will enable CARE (and our allies) to address the insidious harm that racism bestows on the human psyche.
We seek to find ways to unite as ONE RACE to eradicate a common enemy – racism.
We exist to expound the belief that fundamentally, God made only ONE race – the human race, and as such, given the right conditions we can unite under one banner, the banner of love, forgiveness and respect, that declares unapologetically and without shame, that we are indeed:
                          One Blood – One Race – One People

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